Friday, August 28, 2015

T. Swift Trip - Day 2.

Thursday we woke up and headed straight to the San Diego temple.
 Last time we were down I was sad that we weren't able to squeeze the temple in, so we made sure to do it first thing! It's on my bucket list to do work in at least 21 temples before I'm 42, so this is number 3!
 This temple is as gorgeous inside as it is on the outside. I learned something new too...the 8-point star that is ALL OVER the temple (one of the workers said there are over 23,000 in the design and architecture of the temple) is the star of the Melchezidik priesthood. 
 We had a beautiful morning together in the House of the Lord!
 It's cool to see the different designs of each temple, and this temple has more of a modern design.
 I love this man and I love having him by my side in this life and through eternity.
 After the temple we took the scenic route back to Encinitas then took a vacation nap haha.
 After our nap we went and picked up our concert shirts!!!!!!!! Then shopped a little more before walking up to dinner. This is our cute hotel street entrance.
 Leucadia Beach Inn.
 We walked a couple blocks to Le Papgayo, it had top ratings on google so we thought we'd go check it out. It didn't blow our mind, but I guess we aren't super clean eaters haha.
 Wahine salad.
 Coconut Chicken Satay. (This was delicious, Jeff just needed a little more haha.)
 Then we went to the beach to enjoy the sunset together.
 Moonlight beach.
 There you see it.
 Now you don't. I find it so amazing how the sun always appears to drop off into the ocean at sunset, then my mind starts thinking about how the Earth is round and rotating constantly and how it all works so perfectly to make it possible to live here, then I just stop thinking about it cause it hurts my brain and I thank Heavenly Father for this beautiful Earth.
Then we headed home and watched some cable before bed. Funny thing, every time Jeff get out of the car, his glasses fog up for a good minute or so. Hahaha foggy eyes.

Well we are headed to a FULL beach day! I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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