Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Let's play catch up...

Lately I've been playing catch up with life after my grandpa's funeral.
It's crazy how life has to go on even when you don't want to.
So here is a little catch up on what's been going on in my life!!!
 This is way late but Cec is 20!!! I can't even believe it! Where does time go???
 This big 20 year old wanted cheesecake!
 We asked Trev's date to homecoming with some old socks (a little last minute and yes, homecoming is now over, I'm way late!)
I'm missing my grandpa like crazy. It still doesn't feel real but the fact is that it is! I've been listening to his cd like crazy and looking at old pictures. I love my grandpa!!!
 Isn't he the cutest??
 Then homecoming came and I had a chance to celebrate 20 years of coaching to my old cheer coach! I love kitty! :)
 I've been dancing like crazy and this is proof. Dancer problems. Sorry I know it's really gross but I couldn't believe how big it was!
 This last weekend we were able to go up north and watch Trev's game at Copper Hills! He did amazing! Really, my brother is a stud!
 We stayed with my Uncle Adam and had fun getting our baby fix! Jeff is so baby hungry! (He texted me yesterday and asked me to send him these pictures I took of him and the baby. When I asked why he said, "I don't know. I just want to look at them. Baby hungry I guess." Hahaha I love my husband!
 He's always a hit with all kids!
 Then my mom, grandma, and Syd all headed back to St. George while we all went shopping, ate dinner and headed to the BYU vs. UTAH game!
 The long hike from the parking lot.
 Nice and ugly cheesy picture! :) haha.

 I love my dad!!! :)

 Where's dad and Trevor??
 It was an intensely disappointing game.
 Who cares if BYU lost, it's the memory that counts.
 Then lastly in photography class we've been having fun with light! :)
 Maybe a little too much fun. HAHAHAHAHA.
 Yeah, this is an awesomely awful picture of me haha. We have too much fun!

Anyway, I hope everyone has an awesome day! :)

1 comment:

  1. You guys are such a cute family! I have noticed lately it's the guys who get baby hungry first. When we got married my husband and I said not to have one till our second anniversary and then 5 months in he asked if he could have a baby! Thankfully we waited a little longer but still ha. It's pretty cute though!
