Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Book of Mormon :)

The entire Ensign of this month is dedicated to the Book of Mormon. That's another huge testimony builder to me of the importance of the Book of Mormon, to have a whole ensign dedicated to the importance of reading and knowing what's in the special book. Looking through it was a good reminder of what I need to be working on. Glancing through the Ensign I was impressed with the things in it, there are time lines of the events and people in the Book of Mormon, there are summaries of all the stories, common questions asked, how to apply and relate to the stories, a challenge to read and ask, there's everything and it really compelled me to want to do better and to share this Ensign with everyone. The Lord obviously wants His children to know this book and take the stories and lessons taught in it and really apply it in our own lives. This is an Ensign that I want to keep forever for my own understanding and to share with others and my future family one day. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that it holds answers to all the important questions of this life. I know that I am a daughter of a living God who loves me, and I love Him. I know that my Savior atoned for my sins and the sins of the world. I know that He is always there for me at any time. I have felt the love of my Father in heaven and my Savior countless times. I'm so grateful for my family and the blessing and support they are in my life. I'm grateful for my testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know that I am blessed and I am eternally grateful for all that I have been given. I'm grateful for hard times that help to teach me humility and mold me more into the person I want to be.I know the Book of Mormon is true, and was translated by a true prophet through the commandment of the Lord. Read this Ensign. Refresh your memory or learn something new if it's new to you. Most importantly...Read the Book of Mormon and find out for yourself. I love it and I know it's true. :) And I KNOW if you ask with a sincere heart, having real intent, you will too!

I'm feeling really grateful right now :) If you couldn't tell.

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