Sunday, September 18, 2011

Need feedback.

So I need some feedback on a few things.

1. I love to give gifts...LIKE LOVE TO GIVE GIFTS! I just wanted to hear some ideas of gifts people have given to their mom, dad, sisters, brother, boyfriends, or anyone really. I'm a really thoughtful person so the thoughtful the better!

2. I need some fun date ideas. I love out of the box thinking! So share any fun dates you've been on or fun dates you want to go on!

3. Last but not least...I'm thinking of starting a fashion/my take on fashion blog. I love clothes and I love finding clothes for good deals. I know that clothes and fashion don't define a person, but I just think it's fun to learn new ways to wear things, or to see other people's outfit ideas (or is that just me??) I don't want to come across as I think I'm stylish (cause I don't) I just really love clothes, I seriously dream about them sometimes. Tell me if you think it's a good idea or a lame idea (be honest.) And if you're for it I need some ideas of a good blog title...

Please if you have any opinions or ideas you could share I would love it! To share just leave a comment with the number (1, 2, or 3) of which one you have the idea or opinion for. I'd love comments for all so feel free to share! Thanks! :)


  1. Please do a fashion blog! I would love to read it! Your such a classy girl, something I seriously need to work on. In my attire especially. Haha :)

  2. oh my gosh, yes, yes to the fashion blog! :) then could i hire you to shop for me? please and thanks!

    also, i'll be thinking of gift/date ideas. i know i have some, just not off the top of my head!!

  3. Thanks girls :) once I think of a sweet name the blog will be started! Any ideas??
