Saturday, July 30, 2011

Find yourself by losing yourself.

This morning we had a really inspiring Kalamity practice. I love Kalamity. Kalamity has taught me to lose myself in dance which ultimately means lose yourself for others. I've been so caught up on me, me, me that I've forgotten to be grateful for what I do have and to release my frustrations in dance. Dance isn't just a hobby for me. It's therapy. It's hope. It's a way for me to show my love to my Father in Heaven. As strange as that may sound. This morning just made me realize how unhappy I've been and how badly I want to change it.

Lately I haven't been happy with myself. I'm hard on myself for everything and at times it makes me feel hopeless. I know it's because I've been caught up with myself instead of thinking of others. Hopefully I'm not the only one that feels this way sometimes. I feel that every aspect of my life isn't quite where I want it to be, and at times it feels like it will never be. I've realized that I've let unimportant things matter and forgotten about the things that should be important. I hate to admit it but I've lost humility, and it's brought me to feel despair and forget hope. I feel so blessed to have this realization, and I'm grateful for the way it came, through dance. Kalamity has helped me in so many ways, and somehow it always humbles me to keep progressing to be a better person. This post probably makes no sense, but I guess I'm trying to say is that I am happy with the person I am and I am determined to fully find myself by losing myself for others! I have so much to be grateful for and I know it's important to remember that it all comes from the Lord!

Probably makes no sense (hahaha) but that's all I wanted to say!


  1. Oh Cam I love you, and your mad dance skills. I hope you know you are great and I look up to you a lot!

  2. Cam when I read this post I wanted to cry you are the best girly I know and I think you are truely amazing, both inside and out. I love you and love you can find yourself through dance because it's something you are so great at. Love ya!

  3. Thanks Mads and Hailee! :) I love you both so much! Thanks for being my friends! Good friends are hard to come across! Love you guys! :)

  4. Cam... this is a beautiful post, and it puts so many of my own feelings into words I couldn't find. Thank you for your positive uplifting attitude, your love for everyone, and non-judgemental heart. You mean a lot to me Cam, you are a wonderful example even when you think you may not be doing so. You have impacted my life with so much good. Thank you for that. And thank you for being my sister in Kalamity and sharing in the beautiful passion expressed in those special moments of dance. I love you!!

  5. You and are so much alike, in a lot of ways. I know exactly how you feel. But it is soo exhuberating when we finally wake up and say " you know? I'm not half bad... And I can always be better" in a good healthy way. Great post :)
