Monday, May 11, 2015

Wedding Finals!

But awesome, of course!!!
I am officially on SUMMER BREAK!!! Hallelujah! 
And we celebrated a beautiful wedding!!!! 
This is just a recap of the week, a detailed post full of details and pictures will be coming shortly!
 We celebrated Cinco De Mayo with free Cafe Rio. MMMMM.
Then these two took out their endowments on Wednesday and it was a beautiful occasion.
I'm SOOO proud of them!
 Thursday and Friday we were in full wedding prep swing. 
But we are never too busy for a little ladder lovin'
 Before I knew it it was WEDDING DAY... And Cec was getting ready to go and be sealed to her love!
 One thing I love about Cec is how giving she is and how she is always willing to do others make up and hair, even on her special day :)
 The sealing was beautiful! It's always an amazing feeling to look around at all the ones you love in the celestial room, it truly feels like heaven and reminds me of how heaven will be.
While waiting for the bride and groom to come out I couldn't help but take this picture of this GORGEOUS baby, Alma Ty. (Seriously, I want one so bad! And I hope mine are as cute as him!)
Introducing "THE ORPINELAS" :)
Then they came out and I rushed in for the first hug, before taking pictures of everyone else's hug! My mom captured this moment for me, and it is one that I will cherish forever.
 Both Angel's and Cecilee's side and all their friends all together for a picture, Trevor even made it :)
They really are a match made in heaven, they compliment each other so well and both have hilarious personalities.
  They made such a handsome couple and they both were glowing.
 I was worried that the weather was either going to be rainy or too sunny for pictures, but it was absolutely perfect!!!
Then it was time to party at the reception! Here is just a quick picture I snapped with my phone of all the decor!
Like I said, all the details are coming but here is just a recap of what a wonderful day it was. We were missing Trevor, Jaden, my Horlacher grandparents, and grandpa Ah Quin and although they couldn't be there with us they were not forgotten. I am so grateful for each of them and the wonderful examples they are of service and devotion.
"She is silly, organized, beautiful, thoughtful, emotional, outgoing, positive, and just simply amazing! I literally and metaphorically would not be here or be who I am today without her. She's my mom, best friend, and role model. I love you mom! Happy mothers day! You are simply the best!"

Then Sunday was MOTHER'S DAY and we got to talk to Trevor!
I love him so much and miss him, but I know he is doing what he should be and I am so proud of him. Mother's day was a great day spent with both my mom and my mother-in-law and talking to Trevor made me cry, but I am grateful for mothers and the blessing that they are in our lives!

I know this is a little crazy, but I just wanted to get a little post up about all the excitement that took place this week! I love my life and I am so blessed and I know it!

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