Monday, May 18, 2015

$10,625 with love!

I can breathe a little easier now that school, the wedding, and the show is over.
But it was an awesome week!
Sundays with Emme are always a hoot!
 My grandma is adorable, she posted her name and number next to every flier she hung up making it easier for people to buy tickets! She sold well over 100 tickets all on her own.
 Both the kids and the kalamity show were amazing! We raised $10, 625 for Kycie and her family and there was an amazing amount of support! I'm so grateful my mom is so involved in my life and in kalamity events! There's something special about sharing service with your mom!
 It was a crazy week, and after dress rehearsal I was a little nervous for show day, but it all turned out wonderful! I'm so grateful I get to be a part of something so great!
Saturday morning was beautiful, and I couldn't help but snap this picture on our way over to Cec and Angel's gift opening.
After pulling all our weeds and making our yard beautiful I found these on my doorstep from my aunt, aren't they gorgeous? I am one of those flower girls that LOVE flowers :)
 Teesha, one of my longest friends got married Saturday and I am so excited for her! It's crazy to think that not that long ago we were having sleep overs in her RV, watching One Tree Hill, and eating Lydia's french toast. I love this girl and I'm so grateful for the many memories we have together!
Sunday was an adventure, as it always is. I'm telling you, these kids are crazy but I love them anyway!!! Quotes of the week...
"Let's play my favorite game. We all lay on the ground and close our eyes. It's called 'RELAX'" - Rosemary
"My mom is bigger than my dad...cause she's older." - Marcus
There were some more, but I can't remember them at this second. Hahaha.

I have 4 photo sessions this week, A LOT of editing, and one more show this week in Caliente.
I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

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