Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Guess What...I'M ENGAGED!!!

So if you didn't know yet, I'M ENGAGED!!!
(This was taken the day after all this magic happened! Picture captions will be in purple.)
To the sweetest, most handsome, loving, funny, spiritual, honest (except for this surprise), fun, smart, soooo many other wonderful things, but above all...Perfect for me guy!
If you follow my blog this isn't the first time you're introduced to him.
For a refresher click here

If you don't know how he proposed, well you are in for a treat because I will tell you.
Saturday, September 8th, 2012 is the date of the proposal.
This may take a while to tell, but I hope you enjoy it!!!
That morning I woke up at 4:30 a.m. and got ready for dance.
Dance got done around 7 so I called Jeff and ran over to see him for a little because he had to "work" all day and I wanted to at least see him that day.
We cuddled, cleaned a little, and mostly just talked. He said he wished he didn't have to work and that he could be at the "splash mob" that day. I said I understood.
(My aunt and all my dance siblings told me that the city asked us to do a flash mob at the splash pad as a end of summer, beginning of school little celebration. Hence the "splash mob." Keep in mind that we are always asked to do flash mobs for random events so I didn't think anything of it.)
After leaving Jeff's house I headed home to get ready for the splash mob and do chores.
I sang and danced around my house while doing my chores, acting like a crazy person. 
I decided not to shower cause we were going to be getting wet in the splash pad and I planned to come home and lay out and swim all day, so I just threw on a tank top and shorts and a hat.
My mom asked if I wanted to drive over with them and I said yes, Jeff couldn't come and I didn't want to use unnecessary gas.
We got to the St. George townsquare splash pad and as soon as we get out of the car I look around at all the kids and families playing and said, "Man, these people have no idea what's coming today. This flash mob is going to be awesome!" 
Talk about irony in my words, haha.
My family laughed but I just thought they were laughing at me, cause I always say funny things haha.
Just joking.
(Right after I got out of the car!)
But we go over and start playing in the splash pad, waiting for it to start.
I had little girls clinging to my side, more than usual, but I didn't think anything of it.
Then the music starts.
It's mine and Jeff's very first song, two is better than one by boys like girls, but I didn't realize it cause it was an upbeat version and I just thought the city had picked it.
Oh yeah, my Aunt didn't tell me what song we were doing the splash mob to. Every time I would ask she would say that the city was just going to play a random song. I didn't question.
I learned to always question everything through this surprise, haha.
I was dancing my little heart out, having a blast.
We had arranged that each teacher would take a turn leading the splash mob in the center so when it was my turn I headed to the center.
(Turns out there was a professional photographer there and she captured some priceless moments! I am soooo grateful for them!)
I went through it once and was on my way moving out when my Aunt pushed me back to the middle.
My thought was, "I just had a turn in the middle, why is she pushing me back to the middle? Oh well, I'm having fun!" It really wasn't that unusual that she pushed me back to the center cause we like to joke around a lot and I love mosh pits so when random music is on we will pretend to mosh. Haha. 
We have too much fun, okay? :)

(Check out my Aunt's face haha classic! And she knew it was coming haha!)
Well I'm dancing, having a blast when I bump into someone.
I just keep dancing.
Then this person turns me around and I realize that it's Jeff.
And he's in a full suit.
And he has the softest, most in love, most excited look on his face.
And everyone is down on their knees.
And absolutely everyone is staring at me.
And I'm not sure what's going on, I'm trying to process everything as fast as possible.
And everyone is cheering.
And then Jeff says something to me, I'm not quite sure what is was but I think it went something like this...
"Cam, you know that you are the best thing to ever happen to my life. I couldn't picture life without you. I love you so much..."
(Something like that? I don't even know hahaha!)
By this point I was crying, but you couldn't tell cause I was soaking.
Then I give him a hug.
Then he gets on his knee and pulls the ring out.
The center fountain goes on perfectly.
And says, "Will you marry me?" (I think?)
 (I love his face in this picture!)
I believe I said yes...haha All I know is I rushed in and kissed him!
His strong hands are shaking and I'm worried about him dropping my ring in the drain so I stick my hands under his. 
(There was a professional photographer there that captured a few pictures I will cherish forever!)
We get the ring on my finger and I instantly kiss him.
 Everything felt so bright and warm and surreal. It literally felt like I was in heaven with all my loved ones around, everything so light and bright, the spirit was so strong, and the love there was absolutely AMAZING! Words really can't describe how incredible it was.
We kissed, and kissed, and kissed some more. 
Whenever we would stop Jeff's brother-in-law, Shaye, would tell us to keep going for his video. 
But I didn't mind.
(Stay tuned for the professional video of it all, hopefully he got what Jeff said haha.)
Jeff asked me if I recognized the song, then it hit me what song it was. OURS! :)
We danced some more, smiled a ton, kissed again and again, and just enjoyed the little bit of heaven we were feeling.
When the song ended everyone congratulated us! We gave and received a lot of soaking wet hugs! Lots of pictures were taken! Smiles were everywhere! Tears of joy were shed! And love was truly in the air!!!!!!!
(This picture was for Cec and Brad, I was being silly! Haha I wish that they both could've been there, along with Jeff's parents and sister, but luckily we were able to skype Cec and Amanda was telling Jeff's parents all about it. I really love and miss my sister and it breaks my heart that she couldn't be there, but I'm grateful that modern technology allowed her to be there in a way! I love you Cec!!!)
 My Fiance is absolutely amazing! :)
I love you Jeff!!!!
Turns out that everyone knew the whole time, talk about good secret keepers!
I can't even give this story justice. The way it is engraved in my mind is absolutely gorgeous and truly priceless. Jeff couldn't have thought of a more perfect proposal. Everyone I love was able to share the moment with us, I got to dance and do what I love, we were able play in the fountain, he got it on film, he was absolutely perfect, and I was truly surprised (which is hard to do!)
I am the luckiest, most blessed, girl EVER!
 (After all the excitement, we were seriously glowing and really trying to take in what just happened! We kept saying things like, "wow, that was amazing!" "We really are going to be together forever!" "Do you remember..." "I really love you!" "I'm sooo excited!" and a lot of other things along those lines haha!)

I am soooooo excited for my future with my Mr. Wonderful. I know that we will be absolutely happy forever. We never have a dull moment together. I know that we can get through anything. There will definitely be lots of laughs and probably a few hard times but with him, I will always be the happiest girl. This man truly is amazing! We will have lots of Saturdays with football, dance lessons, fruit smoothies, dirty dishes, dessert runs, sweet serenades with his guitar, and lots of other memories I look forward to! :) I love you Jeffrey Preston Hauck, my fiance. Thank you for loving me with your whole heart! :) We have a beautiful eternity together!!!!!
 My beautiful Neil Lane pear shaped diamond ring!
Jeff is amazing and picked out he perfect ring!!!
Didn't he do dang good??
I love it and I love him!!!!! :)

My mom took a ton more pictures and I wish I could upload them all but that would take forever! So come to the wedding and I'm sure you will see more! :) I just want to say that I have the most amazing family and fiance and friends and support system in my life! I am so grateful for all of them!
Life is great! Life is blessed! :)
Everyone smile a little bigger, look at life a little brighter, and be grateful for the place you are at this very moment. Because it will be just that, a moment! :)
 (We missed Cecilee, and I wish she could be in this picture, but this will be our new family with the addition of Jeff! :) So happy!!!)
Love you all!

P.S. I tried my best to remember everything but I know I missed things, so I will probably be updating this post frequently! :)



  2. So i just have to tell you that me and Kavyn were walking through the mall a little while back and saw him in one of the jewelry stores and totally saw this coming!! Congratulations!!

  3. I loved being a part of this, the splashmob/proposal was so fun!! So excited for you two!! :)
