Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How about an oil change, yeah?

Jeff is such a sweetheart.
He's always doing everything he can to make my life easier.
And sometimes that includes doing an oil change for me.

I love this boy.

Anyway, let me give you a little history of cars and Jeff and I.
First story.
Last school year it was a Saturday and I had my biology death class.
(Don't ask me what I was thinking taking a Friday/Saturday biology class, cause truly I DON'T KNOW! Sometimes I'm crazy.)
Anyway, I went to class early, of course. Got all situated, and I was ready to learn. But of course the professor comes in and says, "Whoever drives the black honda have a flat tire. It's extremely flat, and if I were you I would probably take care of that now."
Of course the professor knows best so I went out and called Jeff.
Let me give you the run down version of what happened.

Jeff gets there. We jack up my car. Try to get the spare out, but realize the bolt was corroded on so we couldn't get the tire out. While trying to get the spare out we accidentally pushed the car off of the jack so now the axle is resting on the curb. (Haha resting. What a joke.) Decide to just take the tire to get it patched. Get it patched. Take it back. Get it on. THEN Cam locks her keys in her car. (Which if you knew this car, you'd know that locking the keys in the car is nearly impossible.) Both get frustrated but just laugh. Drive to Jeff's house to get supplies. Grab the most random tools possible. Luckily and skillfully get the car unlocked. Kiss goodbye. We both go home. It only took about 3 hours. HAHAHAHAHA.

2nd experience. Run Down.
Looking for something specific at Walmart. Didn't have it in Bloomington. Started on our way to Washington one. Just past the first exit, not the exit needed, the car gas slips. No exceleration from pushing the gas. Stops moving at the worst possible place on the freeway. Get out. Run to the gas station. Call my dad. Dad comes. We rent a trailer. Have to go on the freeway for a while to get to the spot. Finally get to my car. Push the car on the trailer. Take to mechanic. Can't remember what, but something was wrong with the ignition. Fix. Took 4 hours. I'm lucky, I know. HAHAHA.

Next experience goes a little like down version again.
Sami, Jeff, and Cam all decide to make a trip to Vegas to go shopping. Go to Walmart. Get treats and gas. On our way. Talking, laughing, singing, having  a good time. Ten minutes out of Vegas car breaks. Get out to look at it cause it's smoking or steaming, still not sure which. Jeff pops the hood. Puts a glove on. Sami and Cam stand back. Jeff starts unscrewing the coolant. Coolant explodes everywhere. Sami and Cam weren't far enough away. Jeff gets burned and Sam and Cam are covered head to toe with hot coolant. Did I mention it's summer? It's over 100 degrees outside. Call his family in Logandale. Call his dad back home. Sit and wait while Jeff apologizes over and over. His family get there with their mortuary van. Drive to their house. Watch "Little Red Riding Hood." Eat the most delicious BLT ever. Jeff's dad and Buck (lifesaver) comes with the trailer to pick us and the car up. Load it up. Drive back. Eat Hi-Chews. Unload the car at Jeff's mechanic. Drop off Buck's trailer. Go back to Jeff's house. Borrow his mom's van. We record each of us screaming (I don't know why, haha, seemed like fun at the time.)He takes each of us home. It only took 7 hours. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
 Ready for our Vegas adventure.
 Broken down, trying to figure it out.
 In the back of the mortuary van, can you tell we were covered in coolant?
 Loaded up! Me being a goober :)
 Me and Sami having the time of our lives.
Unloading at Papa Boyle's (mechanic)

One of our screaming videos. :)

Needless to say, not so lucky with cars.
I always tease that it's Jeff, but I know it's because of me!
So let me tell you about this oil change.
Run down of course.

So Jeff buys the oil and filter I need. He's confident he knows how to do it. We pull it up on the ramp at my house. He gets down there and I'm his tool girl. He unscrews the plug. Reddish fluid sprays everywhere but the bucket. Red fluid everywhere. We freak that my dad will freak about the oil. So we do the stupid and get the hose to spray it down the driveway. I work on getting rid of the oil while Jeff pour oil in. No oil is coming out. Realize we just drained the transmission and not the motor oil. SHOOT. Panic moment. Look up how to do an oil change on Mazdas on youtube. Jeff is upset with himself. I try to make the situation better. Jeff lays in the wet oil. Try to pour the red fluid back into the hole we drained. It won't go in. Panic again. Take a deep breath. Figure out how to get the fluid back in. But decide it's best to just get all new fluid, JUST IN CASE. Go to the store. He's soaking wet and I'm in floods and ugly work tennis shoes. I joke with him that I won't go in cause I look ugly. We both laugh but go in anyway. Did I mention he's soaking wet? Haha everyone stares at us as we just laugh at ourselves. We get the transmission fluid and a skinny, long funnel. Jeff bought everything. Such a sweetheart. We get back. Put the oil back in. Hurry and clean up our mess. Laugh hysterically. Go back in and eat Mac and Cheese. I go to work, he goes home. It only took 2 hours. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Then we finally get around to the oil change 3 days later. My plug screw thingy is stripped. So the oil change takes 4 hours, BUT it gets done. And of course Jeff replaced the screw and bought only the best supplies for my car.

I am so grateful for Jeff in all of these instances and for all instances of life. He's always so good to me. I love how no matter how big the catastrophe is, we always have fun and make the most of it with a kiss at the end of everything. After each experience we fall more and more in love. It's memories like all of these that make life so great. :)

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