Sunday, October 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Babe!

Jeff is now 22 years old, as of Wednesday, October 5th! Crazy! Time flies soooo fast! Well I've been thinking about what to get Jeff for the last 6 months. (I get a little crazy when it comes to gift giving.) But I feel that I came up with an awesome idea...but that could just be me? I believe that birthdays should be big. Everyone should feel special on their birthday, it's their day! So I planned a date for Jeff's birthday, just for fun, as a way that would explain the gifts I got him. I started out with a theme..."I love you from your head to your toes..."

*Blue writing is my game/date and the black writing is my commentary/blog.

Happy 22nd Birthday Jeffrey Preston Hauck! I hope you know how special you are to me…I love absolutely everything about you. I love you from your head to your toes! Speaking of which, I have a fun birthday game we could play in order for you to get your gifts. Its some kind of picture/memory/symbolic scavenger hunt kinda thing. We know how I love symbolism, so this game mixes symbolism in with special places or memories, and then you throw pictures in for fun. When you get it right, (if you get it right) you will get a gift, BUT you cannot, I REPEAT, CANNOT open it until I tell you! Remember…I love you from your head to your toes!

I love you from your head (hair, brain, and everything in and on your head) to your…
The human head stands for honor. After all, the head is the center of knowledge, thinking and learning in the body, and in ancient times it was considered the seat of honor. From the second we met you lost your head for me. (I think that’s an expression commonly used?) Think of a place that we both honor, a place we only enter when our heads are on straight. Definition of honor: high respect, or esteem. 


Once there: you need to watch 1 of the visitor center movies, and take 1 picture of just your head. (Seeing how this is the first step and I love you from your head…hahaha) Then give your girl 1 kiss. BUT YOU DON’T GET YOUR GIFT YET…THIS IS FOR FUN! 

We watched the Testaments! I loved it! The Spirit was felt, and we were purely happy. Inside and out!

Eyes. I love you from your eyes (and eyebrows, can’t forget those) to your…
Eyes generally symbol foresight, or psychic. This is a place where you see with your eyes something of entertainment. This place reminds me of one of our many perfect days during the summer. I don’t even remember the movie, I just remember enjoying every second with you. The future looked bright, and we only saw each other. I’m so glad that I have pictures to savor that memory. Take a guess where.

Stadium 8 

Once there: you will need to take 2 pictures of you imitating 2 of the faces (mainly eyes) on the “now showing” or “coming soon” advertisements. Then give your girl 2 kisses. BUT YOU DON’T GET YOUR GIFT YET…THIS IS FOR FUN! 

 We always have fun doing the most random things! :) It's the best!

Ears. I love you from your ears to your…
Ears symbolize receptivity. This is the place where I first really heard you play guitar. Not only that, but I first heard the words from your heart. (This place was also a place for other firsts…)

Our special place on foremaster where we had our first kiss!
Once there: you will need to make up 3 lines to a poem or new song having to do with your 22nd birthday. I will then take take a recording of you reading it. Then give your girl 3 kisses.  BUT YOU DON’T GET YOUR GIFT YET…THIS IS FOR FUN! 

I love being 22.
This is going to be the best year of my life.
I hope to share 22 with you.
(His was longer and with lots of other stuff, but that's the just of it. I couldn't get the clip up, sorry)

Mouth. I love you from your mouth to your…
Communication and self-expression. This place is a place where communication and self-expression was and is always felt. This is a place of a really memorable kiss (something you do with your mouth haha) let me paint you a picture…it was a beautiful summer day, you were in your suit and so was I, there was imitated rain falling on us in the blazing heat. You were lost in the moment and so was I, huge smiles on our faces just before we expressed ourselves with lip to lip communication ;) I bet you’ll never guess where! 

His house, playing on the tramp! But due to rain we stayed in the car for the pictures.

Once there: you will need to take 4 pictures kissing your girl. Then give your girl 4 more kisses. ;) BUT YOU DON’T GET YOUR GIFT YET…THIS IS FOR FUN! 

I know it said 4...haha but they were all pretty much the same! :)

Nose. I love you from your nose to your…
The nose is a symbol of prying or meddling curiosity or interference. This place is the carrier of the device that I’ve told you too many interfering information…hahaha as bad as that information was, I know that it always brought us closer together. Somehow it opened my eyes by having them clouded for a time or two. Things may have been stinky for a time, but they are smelling good now! What’s your take on it all birthday boy?? What’s your "reaction" now?

The Verizon Store

Once there: you will need to go inside and find a smart phone. Download the horoscopes app and read your horoscope. Then take 5 pictures of:
1.     The first emotion felt from the horoscope
2.     A thumbs up or down depending on whether it was good or not
3.     You with a pig nose (like when you were a kid haha)
4.     A cute picture just smiling
5.     And one of you and your girl
Then give your girl 5 kisses. BUT YOU DON’T GET YOUR GIFT YET…THIS IS FOR FUN! 

Hands. I love you from your hands to your…
The hand denotes a pledge of faith, sincerity and justice and it is symbolic of support and strength. Hands…I love your hands. This place is a place where you first reached your hand out to help me up a rock (to the dismay of a blonde ally cat haha) This was the night that started it all.

BHSS Look out!

Once there: take 5 pictures of your hands, and 1 holding mine. Then give your girls 6 kisses. BUT YOU DON’T GET YOUR GIFT YET…THIS IS FOR FUN!

Shoulders, chest, arms, back. I love you from your shoulders, chest, arms, back to your…
These are all symbolic of hard work. Everything worthwhile takes hard work, like this relationship. This is literally a place where we like to embrace. This is a place where hard work is needed to play softball. This is a place where your shoulders, chest, arms, and back work hard.

Our favorite softball field (we don't really play haha we star gaze! It's just a joke that we play softball cause neither of us could play if we tried!)

Once there: take a recording of you describing the perfect softball game setting. Then give your girl 7 kisses. BUT YOU DON’T GET YOUR GIFT YET…THIS IS FOR FUN! 

(I couldn't get the clip on...sorry!)

Legs and butt. I love you from your legs and butt to your…
My symbolism for legs and butt…legs get you places and butt keeps you grounded. What I mean is you can go and do anything you want (legs), but it’s always important to stay grounded and remember what’s really important (the butt.) This place is a place where you like to look for clothing that covers your legs and butt. It’s in cyberspace (ebay) but this is your second best place…

TJ Maxx!

Once there: go inside and have your girl pick out 4 outfits you’d never wear, try them on and take pictures of them. Then take 4 leg and butt model pictures. Then of course…give your girl 8 kisses. BUT YOU DON’T GET YOUR GIFT YET…THIS IS FOR FUN! 

 Not all of the pictures were taken (due to the fact that I wasn't in the dressing room taking them haha) so these are all I have.

Toes/Feet. I love you from your toes/feet to your…
My symbolism for feet: service and emulation. Following in the footsteps of our Savior. This place is where we can truly follow Christ by furthering His work and making sacred covenants. This is the place that your parents were sealed together so that you could be born into an eternal family. This is the place that you will one day be sealed to your spouse. This is the place where our Heavenly Father is most pleased with us. This is the place where we can follow in his footsteps. It's all one eternal round (kinda like this game we just played...we started and ended here.)

The Temple!

Once there: enjoy the rest of your night. Take a few more pictures for memories. And give your girl as many kisses as you’d like. Remember…I love you from your head to your toes! Happy birthday babe! It’s almost time to open all your gifts. Wait til your girl tells you!

 22 :)

After my cheesy little game we went and had lunch then went and saw The Help, which is now one of my favorite movies. We chilled for a little, grabbed some dinner and went to finish off my date at the park, where he got to open all of his gifts! :) Starting from his head and going down to his toes! I don't know if Jeff had fun but I sure had fun getting his gifts and putting this cheesy day together. I hope it made him feel loved. I hope he got the message, I love him from his head to his toes, inside and out! 

 The body parts in my trunk haha
 All the parts put together! I'm cheesy I know!
 Got to have light :)
 Head: a fabulous hair cut from the one and only, Teesha Nelson! :) He loves her hair cuts.
 Eyes: a Penn State shirt (his favorite college football team) I got this because he loves to "watch" them play!
 Ears: a motivational CD by football player, Chad Lewis, "Decide Now."
 Nose: cologne of course, Kenneth Cole Reaction, SOOO GOOD!
 Shoulder, Chest, Arms, Back: a shirt that he looked at and liked a lot, so I secretly went back and got it! I'm so sneaky!

 Hands: of course I had to get him a nice guitar. He loves playing guitar. It is kind of a part of him, he will play whenever he feels sad, happy, mad, frustrated, enthused, everything! He's done so much for me I felt that the least I could do is get him something he will cherish and take care of forever. And boy was he excited! He couldn't stop smiling. He had to play it that very second! It made me so happy to see him get to excited and be so grateful for something so simple! :)
 Legs and butt: HAHAHA He's a jean boy, so I just got him a pair of cheap but nice jeans! He loved them, of course!
 Feet/toes: I got him the most comfortable socks ever! :)

Then to top it off...I wrote on a bunch of index cards the things I love about him. Because not only do I love him from his head to his toes, but I love his soul and everything that makes up him. Everyone has one day dedicated to them and their birth, and that is a special day! So why not make them feel special and loved. I hope I was able to make Jeff feel loved! :) Happy 22nd birthday babe! I hope it was the best one yet, with many more to come! :)


  1. Wow Cam, you are like the best girl friend EVER! You showed us all up, that sounds like a fantastic day, and awesome gifts! So where is all this love going???.....;)

  2. So cute! I didn't know you did all of this for Jeff's birthday. I think you are spoiling him. I love you, Cam.

  3. Man Cam, I wish I was your boyfriend! haha You are just sweetest! Jeff is a lucky boy.
    p.s. Kenneth Cole Reaction...the best!
