Saturday, August 27, 2011


I have discovered that this age in life is hard.
MANY big and important decisions need to be considered and made.
Everyone has expectations for you.
Parents at times, want to hold on too tight (especially if your the oldest.)
Seeing eye to eye with the people you love most can be extremely challenging.
You hit the realization that everything in this world is expensive: cars, college, apartments, etc.
Time is valuable, a free second is unheard of.
Figuring out what career path to take is overwhelming, to say the least.
Marriage, that huge step in life is in the back of your mind.
A clean room and car seems nearly impossible.
You are officially sick of all your old clothes, but can't spend money on new clothes.
And most importantly, your trying to figure out who you really are.
BUT if all of this is going to help me become like my Savior...then bring it on!
I can do it and be happy....Yep, I sure can.

Its all in the cycle of life...

1 comment:

  1. Cambria, I love you! I am feeling you on all the decisions that you are having to make. You are amazing though. Always so focused on what is important in life. Thank you for your example!
