Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Life as I know it...

I love my life.
It's crazy. It's up and it's down. It's clear and then confusing. 
But I guess that's why I love it.
Lately...I love not going to school, I like to dream that I never have to go back.
I love spending the mornings with my mom. She really is one of my best friends.
I'm really excited about my new fashion blog.  Click here to check it out!
I love my job...mostly because I choose to. I know I need the money so why not be happy and love it?
I love Jeff...he makes every day a little brighter, and I am so grateful for him.
I love my family, they are always joking around and making me laugh. I am so blessed to have them. I would be lost without them!
I love Kalamity. Our show is coming up! December 2nd and 3rd for Jeanette Bracken!
(Get your tickets from me NOW! Trust me...You don't want to miss it! Kalamity shows are AMAZING)
I love trials. I love the humility they bring and the opportunity to get to know yourself and the Lord better.
I love the gospel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It brings joy. It brings peace. It brings understanding. It brings eternal happiness. 
I love my Savior and the everlasting atonement that saves and motivates me.
I know I am a daughter of God and He loves me.
I'm so grateful for my life. I know I'm truly blessed...

I may not always see what's coming next...but I know I can be happy through it all!


  1. I love you Cam. You didn't put that on here. That lots of people love YOU!

  2. There are so many things to be grateful for in life that people take for granted. It shouldn't be about wishing for what you want in life.....but loving what you already have in life.

  3. Thanks Nancy, I love you too! :) And I totally agree Mariah! :) Thank you for always sharing your thoughts and leaving comments! It always makes my day!

  4. love you lady!!! your fashion blog is so cute:)
