Monday, January 22, 2018

IVF Day 2 Fertilization Report & What to Expect After Retrieval

We got our day after fertilization report and WOW, we did not expect that... As far as how I'm feeling after retrieval...
Does this picture give any indication? Haha yeah I don't know either...

I was feeling really good the day of the procedure, and pretty good the day after until yesterday afternoon. I have a lot of pressure in my abdomen, constant "yucky" feeling, constipation, heavy breathing (get exhausted easily,) and bloating. I expected as much and have been taking all the precautions, such as heating pad, gatorade, sodium rich foods, etc. but I am still having mild OHSS.
Anyway, we are so thrilled with our fertilization report and can't wait for the next one! Watch the video to see all the details, but we had 34 fertilize so far in the process!!! WE ARE SHOCKED AND THRILLED and don't really know what to say! We just hope that they continue to fertilize to reach blastocyst! Of course we know that each day we will lose some but we just want a few to reach blastocyst at least... cross your fingers and say your prayers for us please!

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