Monday, December 15, 2014


It was another wonderful week here, and I feel completely uplifted.
We celebrated our second anniversary along with my Dad's birthday, had my last week of classes, and we had our annual end of year show!
 Monday night I was in charge of Kalamity's end of year banquet for the cause and in memory of the year! We had a great turn out and it was fun to put it all together!
 Fresh flowers and Christmas decor!
Live music from my sweet husband! Overall we had a beautiful night celebrating Luci and the year dedicated to her! :) I can't believe this year has flown by!!!
My wonderful dad celebrated his 46th birthday!!! He's been my coach, support, protector, provider, teacher, friend and dad and has been amazing at all of them. I look up to my dad so much and I'm so grateful for him! I love you dad! Thanks for being the greatest! 
We were busy on our anniversary, Jeff with work and me with the show but we managed to make it to a photo booth to carry out our tradition! :) 
It's crazy to think that we've been married for two years now!!!
How did I get so lucky???
We both got to perform in the show, so that was a treat! This moment was captured by Cec after the show! I love the temple in the back haha :)
After the show we headed home, ate ham sandwiches, soup and capri suns then exchanged gifts!
I am spoiled ROTTEN!!! Jeff got me another band to go with my GORGEOUS ring! I love how it looks! I absolutely love my ring and all the meaning behind it!
And I surprised Jeff with a guitar amp! To say he was excited is an understatement! He was like a little kid on Christmas morning!!! He stayed up til 2 in the morning playing with it. I LOVED hearing all his squeals of delight! :)
Happy second anniversary top this wonderful man! He supports me in everything i do, he's kind, hilarious, happy, and an example to me of love! I'm so grateful that two years ago at 12:12 we made our love eternal! I love you Jeff and thank you for loving me! You make me want to be better! I am so grateful for our love!
Saturday night came and it was a beautiful ending to our year dedicated to serving Luci!!! The spirit of love was incredible, I shed lots of tears, and we raised over $10,000 in two nights. It's always rewarding to look around at the end of the show, right before they announce how much we made and give it to the cause, and to see all the people I love supporting. Not just supporting but reflecting on all the people I got to work with this year and all the friendships developed! I LOVE being apart of something so wonderful and don't know how I got so blessed!
If you don't know anything about Kalamity and what we do, come check it out and I know you will find joy!!!
Sunday morning was foggy and I dragged Jeff out of bed to go take some pictures!
I loved how majestic it was!
Layers of color! We seriously live in the most gorgeous place!!!
Never let your view get too foggy in life. But always know there is a way back!
Sunday we walked across the street to soak up some more of the Christmas spirit! I have the cutest primary class and I am so sad that this year is almost over they will be moving on! They are ready, but I'm not! 
To top off an amazing weekend we went and looked at Christmas lights with my family! Carrying out another tradition!

I am so blessed and I know it! I hope that this Christmas season we all will remember our blessings and not just thinking about what we want and what we don't have! Life is short and it's really not worth much if we aren't being grateful and serving!

Oh and I was meaning to get these printed but OF COURSE didn't get to it! it is! Haha...

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