Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Oh HAPPY Day!!!

I'm feeling good today because I finished my huge research paper (I only stayed up til 1:30 to do it)!
Now that I can breath a little easier I thought I'd post some picture that make me happy.
I'm not very good at having a flowery yard yet, but I will be one day!
Keeping flowers alive is a lot harder than it sounds...
Anyway, working in the yard with Jeff always brings so much joy to me! So here are some of our typical yard working pics.
 Hot air balloons (maybe this one is not so typical...)
 Jeff acting weird with the watering can...hahaha I love him.
 Me looking weird with my crazy outfits. :)
 The only flowers that really like me in my yard, they continue to live! :)
 Our cute little home! I may be a little biased but I think we have the cutest little house! :)
 Cute smile Jeff!
 Still working on the dead patches of grass, but with no sign of hope.
 The most romantic flower!
 And probably the easiest flower to have in your yard.

 Little bit about Jeff: he is always willing to do whatever I ask (even wake up early on Saturdays to play in the yard with me), he always does it with a playful attitude, and he always finishes whatever ridiculous task I have for him with a kiss on the lips. I SURE LOVE HIM! HOW DID I GET SO LUCKY???
I hope everyone has a happy, flowery, sunshiney day! I know I will, having that huge paper done!!!

P.S. I made that wreath for $7!!! :) I bought an old wreath at the D.I. for $1 then ripped everything off of it, then bought a pretty garland at Michaels for $6 and hot glued it! :) Proud DIY project!! And i love that it adds so much to my house!

Okay, everyone have a beautiful day!!!!


  1. love your cute house!! :) and the flowers look so beautiful! makes me want to garden!

    1. Thanks Bree!!! You are so sweet! I just love you!!! :)
