Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Cleansed through blood.

WARNING: Women Stuff Again.

Good news everyone...I started my period!
I'm normal again!!! (In that aspect at least.)
Confession: I have been sneaking some of this...
And wishing for these...
This period has definitely been one to remember after 9 1/2 months going without.
After it started I felt relief and clean, as weird as that sounds.
This feeling made me think of another way that we are all cleansed through blood...the atonement of Jesus Christ!

I then thought, "how amazing that women have a period" a monthly reminder of the beautiful gift of life (and the creation of life) possible after the cleansing of blood.
Our Savior cleanses us, renews us and provides the possibility of a fresh start.
One that I needed physically, and one that I need daily.
Simply put, I am grateful.
 I guess you could say this last period was a sacred event that helped to open my eyes to the beauty of this life and a woman's body and how I am cleansed through blood in more than one way.
My monthly cycle will now and forever be a physical reminder of my need of the atonement!

Strange thoughts, but I hope it makes sense, cause it sure does to me! Have a wonderful day! :)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this Cam!!! It's a beautiful thought!! I am so glad for your monthly cycle!! Hurry and have a grandbaby!!!!
