Sunday, August 25, 2013

Weekly Shenanigans.

We made it...
That's all I can really say after the crazy week we've had adjusting to our new fall semester schedule.
Let me just tell you a little about our week.
My schedule goes like this...
School, work, school or dance, repeat.
Mix cleaning the house, planning and preparing meals, and trying to have clean garments and you can see where it gets really crazy.
Jeff's schedule is similar without the dance.
This is Jeff at the end of the first day of school! :) He was feeling it...
If we are still functioning by December make sure to give us a hug and tell us how proud you are of us, cause we will need it! :)
 The crock pot has become our best friend when it comes to cooking, so if you have any spectacular recipes, send them my way!
 The moon was amazing Tuesday night so I had to snap a picture of it, blurry and all. I later found out that this month there were two full moons which equals a blue moon. Cool huh?
Tuesday night we also had a little surprise ice cream cake birthday celebration for my Aunty Irene!
 The week went on and then it was Friday!!! On my way home from work I had to drop some packages off at the post office, well the curb got in the way and I hit it just right causing an exploding tire. Jeff was still at work for a couple more hours so I locked the car and walked home. It was funny!
 Once he got off he came to my rescue.
 While I sat in the air conditioned car and watched! :) He's one good handy man!!!
 After fixing the tire we headed to my dad and Trevor's first game of the season. Even though Trev wasn't playing (cause of his hurt ankle) we still cheered loud and had fun supporting!
 Then Saturday came and I had a car wash fundraiser in the morning that ended in a rainstorm. Then I went home and got ready for Cec's first soccer game of the season! It was so fun to be able to watch my little sister playing college soccer!!!
She's a stud! End of story!!!
Sunday is our usual but tonight we had a special dinner for Steph because she is moving to Provo tomorrow to start a new adventure up there! I will miss her but I am soo excited for her!!!

Well I better get back to getting my homework done.
Hope everyone has a good reset sleep tonight!


  1. Sounds like a fun schedule ;) Yay for your husband being handy! I hope your weeks go a little easier!

  2. The crockpot has become my best friend these past couple of months as well!! Seriously a life savor for meals and crazy schedules
