Sunday, January 20, 2013

12/12/12...Words from the Wise.

Our parents are experts on happy marriages so these few minutes where they talked to us were really sincere and insightful. 
There are three things I distinctly remember from what they said and first one is that "I feel like I can do anything with her by my side" quoted from my Dad! 
And the second is, "Treat each other like the kings and queens you really are..." quoted from Nancy.
So far in our marriage we can attest to both of those being true.
We are always happy when we remember these things.
And the last thing I remember is my mom telling me how proud she was of me :)

 FYI: that was the only way I could sit down haha! Comes with having a fitted dress!
 Can you see the love right there?? :)
My wonderful parents! :)


  1. Awe! The way Jeff is looking at you just makes my heart melt :D

  2. Mariah! :) It melts mine too! Isn't he adorable? :)
