Amazing: startling impressive; astonishing - astounding - wonderful - surprising
I know everyone forgets how amazing they are every once in a while. I know I do. I know I say this a lot, but it's important to remember who you are and love yourself. These last few months have been really hard! Like extremely hard. Trying to figure out so many things. I keep asking myself when does it ever get easier? But I think I know the answer. It doesn't. And it's supposed to be that way. That's how we become more and more amazing. WE LIVE AND LEARN.
Lately I've kind of gotten bugged easily with everything. People ask me questions about my life that I don't have answers to yet and it kind of hurts deep inside. I've always been the type of person that likes to have a plan, likes to have all the answers in front of me, likes to KNOW. And every day I realize more and more that I don't know anything really. Talk about an eye opener. I make mistakes. I say and do stupid things. I don't know what I'm going to be when I grow up. I don't know what I'm going to do about my whole college situation. I don't know when I will get married. I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing at this stage of life. I don't know my favorite movie. I don't even know what my dream is. But you know's okay. All amazing things come line upon line, precept upon precept, like a testimony for instance. I know the Lord loves me, even though I don't know anything and I make mistakes. I know that if I rely on Him, He will help me.
Short story. The other day I was feeling hurt deep inside, like I mentioned earlier, so I prayed. I prayed hard. I prayed for comfort more than anything and you know what? My prayer was answered, the Spirit warmed my heart by whispering, "It's okay Cam, the Lord still loves you." I felt my Savior's arms wrapped around me and I knew everything was going to be alright. Words can't even describe the peace I felt. In that moment I realized that I am amazing, and I can't ever forget it if I am going to show the world how amazing I am. Sure times are going to be hard, everyone has something hard they are going through, and there are other people who have it worse than you. But if you keep your faith in the Lord and keep moving forward with hope, it will all be amazing. Cause it's true, the future is only as bright as your faith.
I know this post is kind of random and maybe doesn't even make sense, but it's for me more than anyone else. All I know is I will be okay! :) This song gives me a feeling of peace. It's beautiful so hopefully you like it.